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Author: Castiglione, Ippolita Torelli , 1499-1520
Alternate Names: Torelli, Ippolita in Castiglione; Torelli Castiglione, Ippolita
Title of Respect: Contessa
Century: Cinquecento
Place of Birth: Mantua, Italy (Mantova)
Place of Death: Mantua, Italy (Mantova)
Region: Lombardia
Father: Torello, Guido, conte
Mother: Bentivoglio, Francesca
Class: Aristocracy
Marital Status: Married
Date of First Marriage: 1516
Number of marriages: 1
Husbands: Castiglione, Baldassarre, conte (1478-1529)
Maternal Status: Mother
Number of Children: 3
Children: Castiglione, Camillo (1517-1598); Castiglione, Anna (1518-?); Castiglione, Ippolita (1520-?)
Religion: Christian: Catholic
Author Code: A0350
Editions of Texts Ippolita Torelli Castiglione
Biography by Gabrielle Elissa Popoff, Columbia University

Author: Morata, Olympia , 1526-1555
Alternate Names: Morata Grunthler, Olympia; Morato Grundler, Olimpia Fulvia; Morato, Olimpia
Century: Cinquecento
Place of Birth: Ferrara, Italy
Place of Death: Heidelberg, Germany
Region: Emilia-Romagna
Father: Morato, Fulvio Peregrino
Mother: Gozzi, Lucrezia?
Class: Bourgeoisie
Marital Status: Married
Date of First Marriage: 1550
Number of marriages: 1
Husbands: Grunthler, Andrew (?-1555)
Maternal Status: Not indicated
Religion: Christian: Protestant
Author Code: A0032
Editions of Texts Olympia Morata
Biography by Jennifer Haraguchi, The University of Chicago

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