Author: Serao, Matilde
, 1856-1927
Alternate Names: Sangiorgio, Francesco; Tuffolina
Century: Ottocento-Novecento
Place of Birth: Patras, Greece
Place of Death: Naples, Italy (Napoli)
Region: Campania
Father: Serao, Francesco
Mother: Borrely, Paolina
Class: Bourgeoisie
Marital Status: Married; Separated
Date of First Marriage: 1885
Number of marriages: 1
Husbands: Scarfoglio, Edoardo (1860-1917)
Maternal Status: Mother
Number of Children: 5
Author Code: A0045
Texts Available by
Matilde Serao
Editions of Texts
Matilde Serao
Biography by Margaret E. Kern, The University of Chicago